David Wright, MPA

David Wright, MPA

Director for Quality & Safety and Oversight Group – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

David Wright serves as the Director of the Quality, Safety & Oversight Group within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). He loves his job and the role he plays in quality of care assurance for everyone accessing health care in the United States. This work is accomplished through the Group’s role in issuing policy and compliance guidance to over 8,400 dedicated health and safety surveyors, at the State and Federal levels, who perform quality of care inspections of more than 400,000 providers that participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs, or who provide laboratory services under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
David joined CMS in June 1993 through the Presidential Management Internship program and has been with the Agency for over 30 years, twenty-three of which were in CMS’ Dallas Location.
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    Speaker Type: Virtual Live

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