Positioning You For What’s Next

NAHQ next, a multi-day virtual event that addresses the most urgent and important issues facing healthcare today, offers a full schedule of educational sessions organized around NAHQ’s twice-validated healthcare quality competency framework. Those working in quality and safety will benefit from the actionable content that addresses issues head on and features “how-tos” and results, rather than a high-level discussion of industry challenges. Each session has been developed with content that keeps you relevant and produces sustainable solutions for your organization.

Virtual Live Sessions
Expert Speakers
Days of Healthcare Quality
NAHQ next Begins
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Featured Virtual Live Sessions

Each year NAHQ next features a premier roster of high-caliber, credentialed, and visionary speakers who bring hard-hitting, assumptions-challenging messages on the state of healthcare and its future.

Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 9, 2024
10:05 am
The challenges we face in healthcare are significant – the urgent need to improve patient care, reduce escalating costs, and address a looming workforce shortage. But the opportunity to meet those challenges with big ideas and bold solutions is even...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 9, 2024
10:50 am
Recent NAHQ research has revealed enlightening insights and trends in healthcare and in quality & safety — from the top objectives for healthcare leaders to perceptions of who is responsible for quality and eye-opening differences in how those in healthcare...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 9, 2024
1:00 pm
Overcoming challenges such as patient care, rising costs and the looming workforce cliff will require a coordinated effort and quality is key to developing sustainable solutions. Recent NAHQ research reveals that 85% of those working in healthcare agree quality should...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 9, 2024
1:40 pm
Healthcare quality professionals are uniquely suited to lead, using quality as the north star to advance an organization. They view quality as a business strategy and convince C-suite to prioritize and invest in quality so that their organizations can provide...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 9, 2024
2:50 pm
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) plays a vital role in strengthening and modernizing our nation’s healthcare system and helping to address the challenges of patient care, cost and the workforce cliff. Join this session to hear Directors of...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 9, 2024
4:00 pm
NAHQ CEO Stephanie Mercado and The Joint Commission President & CEO Dr. Jonathan Perlin are both on a mission to shift legacy perspectives about healthcare quality & safety. Join them as they discuss how quality and safety are inextricably linked and...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 10, 2024
9:00 am
Success in healthcare requires health plans and providers to collaborate around targeted populations to address gaps in care, deliver quality outcomes and reduce the total cost of care burden. Despite the increased relevance and success of value-based initiatives, the payor/provider...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 10, 2024
10:10 am
The relationship between providers and payers is already strained; as Medicare Advantage enrollment nears 34 million tensions are poised to intensify. Onerous prior authorization requirements, denials for medical records and low reimbursement compared to traditional Medicare are some of the...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 10, 2024
11:10 am
According to NAHQ research, improving the quality of care and reducing the costs of care are the top two priorities among quality decision makers. And in today’s environment it’s nearly impossible to look at one without the other.  Join NAHQ’s...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 10, 2024
1:00 pm
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. AI empowers healthcare professionals to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance patient care. As discussed in previous sessions at NAHQ next, the healthcare workforce ‘cliff’ is no exception to experiencing the impact of...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
An unprecedented level of urgency regarding equity issues is spurring conversations across society, and healthcare is no exception. There’s an awareness of the need to address social determinants of health, but implementing initiatives and programs that have concrete results in...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 10, 2024
3:10 pm
Harm from adverse events doesn’t stop at the patient and their family. The emotional and physical impact on professionals working in quality and safety is all too real, and too often overlooked. The result: NAHQ data reveals that 63% of...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 10, 2024
4:10 pm
Join us for an insightful session delving into the critical distinction between intentional and unintentional harm in healthcare. Led by two experts at MedStar Health, we’ll explore the differences of these two categories of harm, examining case studies to gain...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 11, 2024
9:00 am
NAHQ is making a difference in advancing healthcare by advancing quality & safety. Hear from NAHQ volunteer and staff leadership about NAHQ’s success this past year, where we are headed as an organization and how together we will make an...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 11, 2024
10:10 am
We’ve made progress on bringing quality from the basement to the boardroom, but there’s more work to be done. And as professionals in this space you need to be enabled with the skills to make the case for yourself and...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 11, 2024
11:10 am
For the first time, four and even five generations are working together in and across teams. As people work and live longer, organizations should expect to continue to have multiple generations at work. This session will highlight the significance of...
Event Type:
  • Featured Session
  • Virtual Live
September 11, 2024
12:10 pm
Conclude NAHQ next with this enlightening session where we’ll delve into the complexities of navigating life’s challenges and the importance of self-care. We all know that life is full of ups and downs.  It’s easy to get caught up in...
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