Graphs are Great! But What’s NEXT? Easing the Transition to AI Through Simple Algorithmic Analysis of our Data

For hundreds of years, graphs have been used to help humans understand data. Graphs and charts will always be a key part of our skill set as a Quality Professional. We depend on them to help us make good decisions about virtually all parts of healthcare. But what is NEXT?
We are presently in a unique position, wedged between hundreds of years of experience with charts and graphs and maybe less than 5-10 years away from full adoption of machine learning and AI analysis in our quality world.
That’s a huge change for both our personal careers as well as our organization’s approaches. So, how do we bridge that gap between our familiar graphs and more unknown future AI? In this session we will not talk directly about the AI technology that is NEXT, but rather about what is BETWEEN now and then – Algorithmic Analysis.
When we or the members of our organization use graphs to support their decisions, we are really applying visual analysis rules that we have learned through training or experience. Can we implement simple algorithms or formulas that can approximate that visual decision making we do every day?
In this session we will do a side-by-side comparison of making our typical decisions by visual analysis of our data graphs vs. using simple algorithms to analyze the same data.
President at KR Rohde LLC
President - KR Rohde LLC

Speaker Type: 60 Minute Session On-Demand

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