Meeting Updated Infection Control Accreditation Standards: Developing Personal Protective Equipment Competencies

In 2024, TJC accreditation requirements will begin to require competency-based training and education of hospital staff on infection prevention and control processes. This session will focus on development and implementation of staff competencies in donning and doffing personal protective equipment. We will discuss available resources, steps for development of a facility-specific competency tool, and strategies for successful implementation.

Tool: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donning and Doffing Competency Assessment Tool

Problem: The ability to safely don and remove personal protective equipment is a critical skill for safe management of potentially infectious patients. Reseach suggests that errors in both donning PPE and self-contamination when removing PPE is common among healthcare workers.

Tool Selection: This tool was developed based on CDC recommendations and modified to include facility specific resources and language. It establishes a clear expectation for skill performance, documents healthcare worker knowledge of the process and ability to perform the skill required.

Usage: This tool was used for documentation of competency as a final step in healthcare worker education and training. It is also used as a check sheet for process observations and can be used as a reminder for staff while actively donning and doffing PPE at point of use.

Results: Individuals who received education and completed competency reported increased confidence in their ability to safely don and doff protective gear. In high stress situations, use of the tool as an active coaching guide for donning and doffing can reduce PPE use errors, and staff report feeling supported in safety measures.

Senior Associate at Infection Prevention & Management Associates
Senior Associate - Infection Prevention & Management Associates

Speaker Type: HQ Best Practice Tools On-Demand

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