Reducing Inpatient CAUTI: An Interdisciplinary Committee Approach

This session will describe how a 2-hospital system reduced CAUTI to ZERO through forming an interdisciplinary committee. I will take the audience through DMAIC methodology and show them how to achieve something similar for themselves. The focus will be: ‘WHO’ was on the team, ‘WHAT’ specific goals we were trying to achieve (DEFINE leading and lagging metric goals and MEASUREMENTS), ‘ANALYZING’ of our gaps, needs and plans, ‘IMPROVEMENT PHASE’ of showing what actions we implemented, our RESULTS, and how we MONITOR our outcomes (‘CONTROL’).

Tool: Driver Diagram

Problem: Reducing Inpatient CAUTI

Tool Selection: The CAUTI Committee used many tools to achieve ZERO CAUTI; however, the Driver Diagram was most helpful at identifying high level systematic and interdisciplinary influencers with associated action plans to implement, track, and modify.

Usage: We used the Driver Diagram for visualizing the connections and relationships that contributed to our overall goal of reducing CAUTI, and this allowed the team to form action items within each ‘driver’ and stay on track, modify, or add items to achieve our goal.

Results: The outcome was ZERO CAUTI this FYTD, and only one case in FY23. Typically, we have around five or more CAUTI cases annually. The right members, leads, and PI lead, as well as Board buy-in is crucial to success. Barriers: Silicone shortages, MD buy-in, Edu, Informatics, & turnover.

Senior Quality RN at Northern Arizona Healthcare
Senior Quality RN - Northern Arizona Healthcare

Speaker Type: HQ Best Practice Tools On-Demand

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