Mortality Complication – Aspiration Pneumonia

We used the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDCA) process improvement methodology to decrease the prevalence of hospital acquired Aspiration Pneumonia* Review literature* Create a Best Practice presentation for staff on the prevention of Aspiration Pneumonia – Order swallow evaluations in patients with AMS – Follow up, and continue monitoring patients for any changes in their swallowing ability* Review and modify Nursing, PCT orientation & annual mandatories – Suctioning with oral care – Swallow evaluation on extubation – Include mental status and need for swallow evaluation at every assessment

Problem: Hospital acquired Aspiration Pneumonia on and during admission, with a swallow evaluation for patients that are less alert (old age, dementia, coma, post stroke, brain injury, seizures, post-extubation) and have swallowing issues

Measurement: Pareto graphs, bar graphs were used to identify the most common apparent causes

Analysis: Mortality data for JSUMC was obtained from Vizient and analyzed for trends, and reassessed quarterly from Q3 2022 to Q4 2023 We used the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDCA) process improvement methodology

Implementation: Create a Best Practice presentation for staff on the prevention of Aspiration Pneumonia – Order swallow evaluations in patients with AMS – Follow up, and continue monitoring patients for any changes in their swallowing ability – Suctioning with oral care – Swallow evaluation on extubation

Results/Discussion: A decrease in aspirations in mortality complications was observed- Q3 2022 – 48.14%- Q1 2023 – 31.03%- Q2 2023 – 25.00%- Q3 2023 – 27.27%- Q4 2023 – 33.33%

Quality Improvement Specialist at Jerdey Shore University Medical Center
Quality Improvement Specialist - Jerdey Shore University Medical Center

Speaker Type: Poster Presentations On-Demand