Impact of Optimizing Multi-modal Smoking Cessation Education in an Emergency Department Setting

Smoking cessation education is often looked over and brushed aside in the emergency department setting due to many factors. This affects population negatively since many patients utilize the emergency department as their primary care provider. Optimizing the effectiveness of smoking cessation education is essential to population health. This session works to find ways to utilize the multiple facets of technology and outreach that an intentional multi-modal discharge education plan can have on improving the likelihood that a patient receives pertinent, health-improving discharge education.

Problem: The aim of this project is to increase the percentage of patients who received multi-modal (audio–visual, verbal, and written) smoking cessation education in order to reduce smoking habits among those with the highest risk of lung problems and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD).

Measurement: Tableau was utilized along with Microsoft Excel to produce performance data reports for each individual sites as well as collectively.

Analysis: Statistical analysis was performed using the percentage of patients that received smoking cessation education compared to the total number of COPD patients that had a positive history of smoking. Manual chart audits were also performed to evaluate the accuracy of the electronically pulled data points.

Implementation: Previously used written and verbal smoking cessation education was changed to include additional audio and visual components for the emergency department patient. This resulted in the implementation of a multi-modal learning opportunity in discharge education with a previously difficult to reach patient population. EHR modifications helped automate these changes.

Results/Discussion: During the roll-out period of Sep’22-Dec’22, smoking COPD patients received multi-modal education 2.2% of the time. During the implementation period of Jan’23-Dec. 23, patients received multi-modal education 10.4% of the time with an increase to 14% in the last 6 months. Unblinded data sharing is utilized to spread education best practices.

Program Manager at MEDIC
Program Manager - MEDIC

Speaker Type: Poster Presentations On-Demand

Quality Program Clinical Manager at Emergency Care Specialists
Quality Program Clinical Manager - Emergency Care Specialists

Speaker Type: Poster Presentations On-Demand

System Medical Director of Emergency Services at Emergency Care Specialists
System Medical Director of Emergency Services - Emergency Care Specialists

Speaker Type: Poster Presentations On-Demand