Integrating Multiple Data Sources to create Standardized Tableau Dashboards for Quality Improvement

The Quality Measurement & Analytics department provides data to hospital leadership and multiple service lines across the organization to improve outcomes based on current and historical data trends. There are a wide variety of data sources that are incorporated to display common metrics and program specific key performance indicators. These efforts include leveraging IT to gain access to their dataset via reports or views, collaborating with team members to download external registry data to the database, creation of data entry tools to aid in streamline processes and optimizing queries are all key to establishing the process necessary to maintain deliverables.

Problem: There was a need to streamline multiple data sources, data types and optimize queries to create a meaningful dashboard that will aid in data driven discussion and influence positive outcomes for the patient population reviewed by the data.

Measurement: Through trial and error, we were able to find the most efficient method of streamlining the data based on the data source/type. By performing various checks, we ensure the quality of the data. The visualizations are validated by the service prior to production to ensure that they match the source.

Analysis: There is extensive communication between the owners of the source data and end users to ensure data integrity. Ongoing checks pre and postproduction ensure the quality of the data.

Implementation: Various data import methods are used to integrate and streamline into a singular format. Depending on the data source/type we had to explore multiple avenues of collecting data. Other healthcare entities could replicate methods to efficiently gather data and utilize it in a meaningful visualization which influence health care decisions.

Results/Discussion: Overall a positive reception by those using the dashboards. Having one source of truth builds confidence in using the data to promote positive outcomes. Team is vigilant of opportunities to improve, and proven methods are replicated for future dashboards.

Quality Analyst/Programmer at Stony Brook
Quality Analyst/Programmer - Stony Brook

Speaker Type: Poster Presentations On-Demand

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