This session will describe development and implementation of a National Quality Professionals Orientation (QPO) for the Department of Veterans Affairs. The QPO was designed by the National Office of Quality Management (OQM) collaboratively with representatives from VA Hospitals and Veterans Integrated Service Networks. The content was developed utilizing principles including process improvement and change management. The QPO has been attended by over 400 Department of Veterans Health Administration quality leaders from 152 VA Medical Centers over the last 3-years and has become an integral part of preparing new Quality Professionals to serve our nations Veterans.
Problem: Not having a standardized training for Quality Professionals in the field created several gaps in execution of roles, communication, and clarification of processes.
Measurement: BOSCARD needs assessment, Voice of the Customer and Data Analysis
Analysis: Analyzed the post interventional data against baseline data using Power BI, Excel, and MS Forms. Used data sampling, trends to develop insight for process/program improvements.
Implementation:Implemented a standardized, comprehensive, holistic Quality Professionals Orientation. Some of the obstacles included developing an orientation in a virtual environment, decisions on topics for a multi-disciplinary group of attendees and coordination between 152 different facilities. Provides education on creating a framework for large-scale enterprise-wide orientation development and implementation.
Results/Discussion: Over 400 Quality Professionals have been trained to a standardized quality model across VA Facilities. BOSCARD, Voice of the Customer and Statistical Analysis. Continuing standard work, incorporating improvements based on customer feedback and providing a platform for direct communication and questions.