This session will discuss the impact of providing education to home healthcare staff through virtual huddles that are recurring, structured, and brief. Our home healthcare agency has utilized virtual education huddles to expand communication, drive patient safety, and facilitate survey readiness. We will discuss opportunities that led to the development of this intervention, topics presented to staff, obstacles to virtual education huddles, and tips for sustainability.
Problem: Improve Communication and Organizational Learning scores in the Culture of Safety Survey by 5% by creating a virtual platform to engage, develop, and support agency staff and their learning needs.
Measurement: Communication Openness and Organizational Learning scores from the Culture of Safety Survey in 2020 and 2022 were compared. Simple bar graphs of Survey response rates and scores were used to visually depict comparisons.
Analysis: Percent changes were calculated to compare Survey response rates and scores from 2020 to 2022.
Implementation: Virtual Education Huddles were provided daily, biweekly, and weekly to support Survey Readiness, our transition to a new electronic medical record system, and patient and staff safety. Obstacles included connectivity issues and time constraints with staff schedules. Virtual Education Huddles offer opportunities to provide education quickly to a large audience.
Results/Discussion: Virtual Education Huddles provided our agency with a platform to prepare for a successful Joint Commission survey, provide real-time education and feedback with our new electronic medical record system, and contribute to improved Culture of Safety Survey results. We continue to provide 3 Virtual Education Huddles each month.