Michelle Block Schreiber, MD
Deputy Director of Center for Clinical Standards and Quality – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services / Director of the Quality Measurement and Value-Based Incentives Group
While at CMS Dr. Schreiber has led many quality initiatives, including MIPS transformation to value pathways, the modernization of the Hospital Stars program, as well as advancing digital quality measurement systems. She is on the boards of ACCME (continuing medical education), Leapfrog, and a member of HITACH (the national health information advisory committee) among others. Prior to joining CMS she also participated in numerous state and national quality committees including theBoard of Directors for the Michigan Hospital Association Keystone Center and the Patient Safety Organization, the Board of Directors of MPRO (Michigan Peer Review Organization – the Michigan QIO), the National Quality Forum Patient Safety Metrics Committee, and the National Quality Partners. She has worked with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) including as part of its Leadership Alliance, the Pursuing Equity initiative, and an initiative to enhance Board of Trustees engagement in quality through a partnership with IHI and National Patient Safety Foundation. Dr. Schreiber has also served as a member of the Epic Safety Forum, and the Cerner Academic Advisory Group.
Dr. Schreiber’s interests are quality improvement, quality measures, and the intersection with electronic medical records to advance quality and quality measures.