CMS Aligning for Success

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) plays a vital role in strengthening and modernizing our nation’s healthcare system and helping to address the challenges of patient care, cost and the workforce cliff. Join this session to hear Directors of Divisions at CMS discuss improvement, measurement and enforcement. Panelists Anita Monteiro, Director for CMS Quality Improvement & Innovation, Dr. Michelle Schrieber, Deputy Director/Director, CMS/Quality Measurement and Value-Based Incentives Group and David Wright, Director, Quality, Safety & Oversight Group will share how they are building momentum around quality & safety measures. They’ll discuss directional level policy and how it impacts quality & safety and the quality professionals supporting this effort. 

Director for Quality Improvement & Innovation at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Director for Quality Improvement & Innovation - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Speaker Type: Virtual Live

Director for Quality & Safety and Oversight Group at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Director for Quality & Safety and Oversight Group - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Speaker Type: Virtual Live

Deputy Director / Director at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services / Quality Measurement and Value-Based Incentives Group 
Deputy Director of Center for Clinical Standards and Quality - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services / Director of the Quality Measurement and Value-Based Incentives Group 

Speaker Type: Virtual Live

Chief Executive Officer at National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)
National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)

Speaker Type: Moderator, Virtual Live

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