Quality Collective: Real-Time Collaboration on Quality and Performance Improvement

The American Hospital Association (AHA)’s Quality Collective convened over 100 health care quality leaders nationwide to provide a collaborative platform to engage deeply with their peers, collectively strategizing on the most pressing health care quality-related issues. Over the course of three months (April- June 2023), the Quality Collective assembled some of the brightest minds in health care quality leadership to discuss strategies that not only address the current needs of the field but also shape its future trajectory on quality standards.

Problem: American Hospital Association (AHA) members voiced a need to connect with peers in real-time to discuss quality and performance improvement needs that arose or were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, members wanted a chance to share quality strategies as they worked through the challenges of the pandemic.

Measurement: A survey was conducted to assess participant needs and success areas. This information was captured through ranking clinical and cultural quality topics. Appreciative inquiry was also utilized as a facilitation tool for peer-to-peer discussions to gather qualitative feedback on successful strategies and processes, reframing deficiency-focused language into opportunities for improvement.

Analysis: Radar charts were created from the survey data to provide a clear visualization of clinical and cultural quality topic rankings on participant successes and opportunities for improvement. Deep-dive discussions were held on top quality success areas as well as opportunities for improvement utilizing appreciative inquiry to drive peer storytelling.

Implementation: Implementation included deep-dive virtual events as well as a virtual community. Continuous engagement was an obstacle, as well as the limited time for discussion. The strategies shared have been written up in a report that will support health care leaders identify quality and patient safety priorities.

Results/Discussion: A Quality Collective report was developed to capture the data from the survey as well as peer-to-peer discussions that occurred. The results from the Quality Collective will be used to guide the AHA Patient Safety Initiative, which will expand discussion of priority topics through events and the virtual community.

Performance Improvement Coach at American Hospital Association
Performance Improvement Coach - American Hospital Association

Speaker Type: Poster Presentations On-Demand