Quality Leadership and Integration

This session will describe steps taken to promote staff-driven continuous improvement through a Kaizen Improvement Board mechanism to collect, implement, and track staff ideas. While this Rehab Services department had improvement initiatives underway across >35 teams and >700 staff, initiatives...
The challenges we face in healthcare are significant – the urgent need to improve patient care, reduce escalating costs, and address a looming workforce shortage. But the opportunity to meet those challenges with big ideas and bold solutions is even...
Overcoming challenges such as patient care, rising costs and the looming workforce cliff will require a coordinated effort and quality is key to developing sustainable solutions. Recent NAHQ research reveals that 85% of those working in healthcare agree quality should...
Healthcare quality professionals are uniquely suited to lead, using quality as the north star to advance an organization. They view quality as a business strategy and convince C-suite to prioritize and invest in quality so that their organizations can provide...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) plays a vital role in strengthening and modernizing our nation’s healthcare system and helping to address the challenges of patient care, cost and the workforce cliff. Join this session to hear Directors of...
NAHQ CEO Stephanie Mercado and The Joint Commission President & CEO Dr. Jonathan Perlin are both on a mission to shift legacy perspectives about healthcare quality & safety. Join them as they discuss how quality and safety are inextricably linked and...
For the first time, four and even five generations are working together in and across teams. As people work and live longer, organizations should expect to continue to have multiple generations at work. This session will highlight the significance of...
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