Stop & Shift: The Mindset Reset That Changes Everything 

Conclude NAHQ next with this enlightening session where we’ll delve into the complexities of navigating life’s challenges and the importance of self-care. We all know that life is full of ups and downs.  It’s easy to get caught up in a swirl of negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to poor decision-making, feeling out of control and lack of self-care. 

What if you could train your brain to respond thoughtfully with care? Spoiler alert: you can. 

When stress and setbacks make it tough to keep your head in the game, you need tools that can help you rise to all of life’s challenges. 

Stop & Shift is a helpful tool to use. This mental training technique provides a new map for your mind so that you can make decisions from a place of strength instead of stress. You will learn how to: 

  • Build resilience and use hardships as launching pads for growth. 
  • Create space from negative thoughts and emotions so you can approach challenges with confidence and make productive decisions from a place of composure and clarity. 
  • Cultivate joy, inner peace, grit, and other mindful behaviors to prevent burnout. 

Once you’ve made a decision to stop & shift, you can then turn to a collection of quality tools you are already familiar with – FEMA, Force Field Analysis, an SBAR & many more –to serve as self-help tools. Leave this session with practical strategies and insights on how to cultivate resilience, and manage stress, utilizing tools already in your toolkit.   

Mindset Expert and TEDx Speaker
Mindset Expert and TEDx Speaker

Speaker Type: Virtual Live

Founder and Chief Executive Officer at White Bee LLC
Founder and Chief Executive Officer - White Bee LLC

Speaker Type: Moderator

Event Details