Work in Action: Exploring the Quality & Financial Connection

According to NAHQ research, improving the quality of care and reducing the costs of care are the top two priorities among quality decision makers. And in today’s environment it’s nearly impossible to look at one without the otherJoin NAHQ’s Board President, Patricia Resnik and Michelle Wieczorek for an interactive session exploring the connection between quality & finance and understanding how quality is key to driving the financial success of an organizationTopics that will be explored include acute care utilization management, clinical documentation integrity (CDI), payer denials and appeal processes from the facility and patient’s perspective.

System Director, Clinical Documentation Integrity at Hospital Sisters Health System
System Director, Clinical Documentation Integrity - Hospital Sisters Health System

Speaker Type: Virtual Live

Past Board President at National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)
Past Board President - National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)

Speaker Type: Moderator, Virtual Live

Board President at National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)
Board President - National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)

Speaker Type: Moderator, Virtual Live

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